Redefining Partnered Communication

Mary Ann Harrington
7 min readMay 24, 2024


I am a retired teacher of autistic students. I have master’s degree in special education and 34 graduate credits beyond her master’s specific to autism, plus countless seminars, conferences and workshops. Yet, I failed to receive any information on the anomalies presented to me by my students on a daily basis, especially those related to partner dependent communication strategies such as FC, RPMand S2C. My non-speakers and informal research subjects demonstrated extrasensory capabilities what current literature overlooked. I reached out to many, but with little effect. My questions about hearing the words before they were typed were dismissed as anticipatory thoughts. My concerns about influence from the thoughts and biases of their communication partner were ignored.

Along with my awe-inspiring mentors, I hope to give the reader glimpses into their expanded states of consciousness and multi-dimensional and interdimensional capabilities. Maybe this time, my compelling questions, observations and suppositions will find the right people and create conversation leading to long overdue research regarding these awe-inspiring, gifted souls.

Redefine and Rebirth It By Including the Energetics?

Nobody has the answers to this anomaly of partner dependent communication. I invite proponents, detractors and scientists, with curiosity, integrity, and authenticity to come together and rebirth this poorly studied phenomenon. We need more collaboration! I hope people on both sides of the issue broaden their perspective and partake in-depth exploration of this futuristic form of communication. I feel it needs to begin with rigorous scietific investigation. Until that occurs, please share authorship and responsibility.

Many proponents of partner dependent strategies such as FC-Facilitated Communication, RPM-Rapid Prompting Method, and S2C-Spelling to Communicate suggest the information received is the ego independent words of the typer. They present the nonspeaking autistic person as having a typical perceptual reality and way of learning, but is trapped in a disobliging body.

Opponents such as ASHA-American-Speech-Language-Hearing -Association believe all communication is coming from the communication partner. Detractors believe proponents are delusional since the nonverbal typists cannot pass message passing tests. In my opinion, they ate both wrong. Recently, I found a study that might open dialogue. It indicates the collaboration is a combination of the thoughts of the spellers and their communication partners. It could be a step in the right direction if the researchers explored “Why”? To do that, they must include all the reports of mind reading, shared consciousness, entangled energy, and atypical telepathy from parents, teachers, therapists, and communication partners.

Facilitated messages attributed to different people show distinctive styles, but this fails to rule…

I got so distracted with other pro-FC developments that have emerged since last August-Angie Kim’s Happiness Falls …

Both sides continue to ignore the symbiotic relationship between partners and its implications in defining and implementing this evolving new technology of communication. Historically, using partnered communication, as currently defined by proponents without warnings of thought influence, from the communication partner resulted in injury to autistic people, their families, friends, and caregivers. All those interested in using these processes must be warned of possible purposeful or inadvertent influence by the thoughts of the communication partners. Communication partners need to be told, they can impact content. As a proponent and user for over thirty years, due to what feels like a merging of our consciousness, or simultaneous knowing, or an emergent voice; it is still difficult for me at times to tell where their thoughts from my own, especially if I am vested in anyway.

To distance myself from methodologies that ignore the word based telepathic like symbiotic relationship, I choose to refer to the spellers as Qautists since there is a extra-senspry quantum component to the process. Many but not all Qautists have a diagnosis of severe autism. However, many autistic people, who display less significant language impairments do not share the Qautists’ abilities; at least not to the same extent. Other nonspeaking populations such as some diagnosed with downs syndrome also share their gifts. Is it channelling? Is it mediumship? I don’t know. I do know they seem to have access to my neurology, and my subconscious mind; they appear to know all that I know. The QAutists suggest they can tap into multiple realms of existence to get information. There seems to be no limit to their knowledge or ability to access it. As their communication partner, I am the one that limits their responses; I am the one who causes destructive interference if I have not been exposed to the subject matter. For example, the spellers can speak any language; but their partner must understand the language for them to bring it through. The Qautists suggest they are impressing thought forms on my brain, and I am unconsciously selecting the the most appropriate word in my vocabulary.

Since I define the role of a facilitator or communication partner differently, I will refer to those people who assist the spellers with communication as Catalysts. The purpose, responsibility, and developmento of the Catalyst needs study. The Qautists are already there just waiting for us to catch up. It begins with determining, what is and what is not part of the process.

Below is a list of some suppositions and questions. I want to see explored. I invite other curious Catalysts to add their concerns and speculations.

1. Qautists can teach us more than we could ever teach them. Why not open your heart and listen?

2. Qautists do not need to look at the keyboard, but Catalysts do. Is it possible the Qautists adhere to the Catalyst’s sensory system-see-through their eyes, and hear through their ears?

3. Qautists cannot pass message passing tests unless they demonstrate competence with an independent communication system. Why do Catalysts need to know the questions asked? Might destructive interference occur if the Catalyst has no idea where the communication is going? Is it the Catalyst the one who is actually unable to pass a message passing test?

4. Qautists, no matter how seemingly disorganized, can pick up subtle physical cues. The Ideomotor effect is a fascinating reality. How do they do pick up such subtle cues overlooked by others? What does this tell us about the Qautists’ unique sensibilities?

5. Qautists also pick up feelings, attitudes, biases, and thought energetic cues from their Catalysts. Communication partner influence can and does occur. Are the Catalyst and Qautist entangled as one emergent field of awareness?

6. Qautists demonstrate an expanded awareness. They seem to remember and be in touch with what we have forgotten. What does this tell us about the nature of consciousness? How does their perceptual reality differ from ours? Do they need our conscious mind to bring information through?

7. Qautists’ non partnered independent communications are often not in line with catalyzed messages. Please understand partnered strategies should not be used as a replacement for independent communication. Make sure the Qautist has an ego independent reliable “Yes” or “No” that he can use with everyone and without a catalyst and as much independent communication as possible. Independent communications are more basic,and dependent on their conscious mind or brain to execute. Might the conscious and subconscious mind of the Seers be disconnected? Catalyzed strategies might occur at the subconscious level. Are the Quatist’s conscious and subconscious mind connected? Might the Qautists need the Catalysts conscious mind or brain to bring information through? What strategies might be developed to lessen the disconnect?

8. Qautists communicate with different styles and content depending on whom catalyzes them. Why and how do Qautists often mirror the interests and biases of their Catalysts? Does it relate to the observer effect?

9. Qautists are not independent communicators just because they strike the keys on their own. They are only independent if the Catalyst is otherwise engaged, not looking at the keyboard, sending or listening to information. In fact in my experience, joint attention, active listening and gazing at the keyoard intensifies on my part when I expect the Qautists to strike the keys on their own. I pull them further from their world and more into mine. And due to the nature of the process I may be exude more influence, and control, than when I listen directly of use telepathic typing, where I expect them only to type the first letter or two of words, and I fill in the rest, or just speak what I hear aloud.

10. In my opinion. Qautists do not learn everything from their environment or through direct instruction as suggested by proponets. They come in with a vast array of knowledge or at least access to it. How do the Quatists seemingly receive information from the Catalysts’ knowledge base, spirits, aliens, the akashic records, the Divine, or universal field of thought? Or whatever name you choose for the intuitive realms? Is the doorway of the subconscious to the superconscious mind wide open? Is it just a matter of frequency adjustment as some suggest?

11. The telepathic like connection works for sending words but not images or objects? For example, if I send a word telepathically, the Qautist immediately selects the same word from an array of choices, or spell it. Yet if I try to transmit a picture, or the word expecting the Qautist to find the corresponding picture, they often fail. Word to word sending works, image to image and word to imge sending fails. Why?

I suggest, scientists test to see if the brainwaves of the Qautist and Catalyst are synchronized while sharing “ joint attention.” Most importantly, I would like to know who is leading and who is following and when the dynamic changes. Examine how “joint attention” improves, balance, and behavior of the Qautist. I would also suggest seeing if heart rhythms synchronize and assists them forming deep intuitive relationships with their Catalysts. I believe the “joint attention” necessary for partnered communication is useful in teaching a variety of skills, and appears tp improve receptive language.

“Your eyes, your ears, your touch all bring me down from my dream state into your limited way of interpreting a gestalt existence that is not word dependent. It is a feeling state filled with nuances language can’t capture.

We of the “autism soul group” will align with you and guide you. Each union is unique but powerful. We align with the Source of open areas of creative possibilities. We are ready to absorb your limiting beliefs, to create broader pathways.



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